I came out as gender queer more publicly and have started educating those around me about the genderbread person. I'm personally looking for something very out there, like alien planet dwellers and infinite space continuum portal beings and such. Mind you I also have a splash chart pattern and my interests are infinite. I guess having hard Pluto aspects in a chart minimizes the influence Moon square Uranus. There was no move, but my wife and I took our first camping trip/yurt outing to the Oregon coast, as well as some definite dissatisfaction with the living conditions my we are in. And c'mon, it's not my normal trait (I don't have an Pisces or Cancer in me) I DON'T LIKE IT! Uranus and Saturn. The Moon-Uranus person may calmly explain that they feel numb, and this reminds them of the time when they were six and their Dad walked out. I'm just speaking for myself and I don't have a Scorpio Midheaven, I have Sagittarius on the Midheaven Conjunct Uranus. Having someone's Mars in your 8th house means you could hate it resent that person for no particular reason. It's means something very different to me. Authenticity and individuality, hallmark of being dominant Uranians. there's nothing for me to cry about anymore. Some Famous People with Moon in Harmonious Aspect to Uranus: Sextiles - Wade Boggs, Prince Charles, Dick Cheney Trines - Ewan McGregor, Bill Cosby, Jamie Lee Curtis, T.S. I was just trying to get a visual for the quincunx. I guess the biggest thing for me is that My emotions are crazy, but as a Cancer moon they always are! Extreme responses. This aspect usually adds boldness in the character. They can develop an uncompromising attitude in relationships as a way of protecting themselves, deciding on the level of freedom and commitment without discussing things with their partner. While this sounds healthy, its actually another way for the Moon-Uranus person to escape. I can't say it's completely gone though, since I am always the one who ends my relationships, though all of them have been long-term. I'm just pointing it out, not only on this thread but recently on others. Uranus aspects in Synastry Februastrologyanonymous27 Uranus represent change, liberation, and instability. "Your mind probably plays a very creative and productive role in bringing about fulfillment of your desires. I'm very sorry you've dealt with these terrible familial issues. Someone with a Moon-Uranus square may be continually attracted to unreliable types. If I can count it my Uranus would make 1 aspect haha! Abnormal eating habits. They can throw themselves into destructive relationships which they know, on some level, will not last. Even though he is a Gemini, his involved with a Taurian and they've been together for years now, too long to remember, but it hasn't kept him from having "adventures" outside the relationship. The soft aspects brings to fruition personal freedom. i texted them to ask what happened and they said nothing til the next day when they said they felt as if they were being smothered.

Another one with this position is a friend of mine.

I also have a Sun in Cancer, Asc in Aries, Venus in Gemini and Mars in Cancer. Moon-Uranus is not an emotionally stable combination. UBBFriend: Email This Page to Someone! I have a definite issue with this.